by Sandy Halim, Janjaap Weeda, Maaike van Bragt | Jan 24, 2022 | Research
In recent years, the number of ERISA-based lawsuits brought against DC plan fiduciaries has exploded — and they show no signs of slowing down. For plan sponsors, mitigating the growing litigation risk is business-critical. After reading this research, you will...
by Sandy Halim, Maaike van Bragt | Feb 8, 2018 | Research
CEM has been collecting data on DB and DC plans since 1991 and 1997, respectively. As calculated in our 2006 study, DB funds outperformed DC plans from 1998‐2005, by 1.80% (Flynn and Hubert, 20061 ). A return difference that in 25 years would result in a 34% smaller...