Defined Contribution Benchmarking Service
Measure • Compare • Learn • Improve • Validate
Introducing CEM Dashboard for DC Plans
We are introducing CEM Dashboard, a new interactive, fee and performance tool for fiduciaries and plan sponsors of Defined Contribution plans.
With the Dashboard, each of your investment options is compared to your custom peer-group for fees, and our diverse and large universe of participants for performance.
Find fee and performance review metrics all in one page with factors adjusted where needed. Dive deeper into target date fund and glide paths, and your administrative and participant expenses. Want to find out more?
How our clients use our service:
Demonstrate Fiduciary Level Review of Costs
Our clients view their CEM benchmarking analysis as the best tool available for ensuring that an appropriate high-level fiduciary review is done and documented. The analysis takes key cost drivers into account, it includes detailed cost, performance and risk comparisons, and it is based on carefully scrutinized and cleaned input data to ensure valid conclusions.
Target Date Fund Analysis
CEM has the definitive analysis on target date funds. In particular, costs because we adjust for asset mix and indexing differences. Given how important target date funds have become in DC plans, this alone is why some clients buy our report.
Manage and Reduce costs
Many have successfully negotiated lower fees and costs with external managers and recordkeepers.
Support for Changes to Plan Design and Investment Programs
Our report provides external validation of what others are doing, which can be invaluable when trying to get buy-in from your stakeholders to make changes to your investment programs and plan design.
Demonstrate ongoing monitoring of your Investment Options
Research insights are a big part of CEM’s value proposition. We regularly produce research insights. Leverage our global industry expertise to find out what others are doing.
How It Works
Our analysts and our methodology ensure like-for-like comparisons of costs, risk and performance.
Insights gained from your report and from our research can be used to optimize your performance and manage your costs.

You get a comprehensive benchmarking report that compares your returns, value added, risk, costs to a custom peer group and the global universe for your entire DC plan as well as by each investment option. The report is a documentation of your review process and fulfillment of your fiduciary responsibilities.
Understand where and why you are different from your peers. Benefit from our experience and research through a personal presentation and discussion of your results.
Unique U.S. Defined Contribution Database