We recommend that you use the Online Surveys. It will save you time and effort because online help and data checks provide instant guidance and data is partially pre-populated for returning users. Also, you get to see your preliminary benchmarking results immediately. If you prefer using Excel or paper select the appropriate icon below.

Survey Excel Adobe PDF
United States Defined Benefit Investment Survey Excel XLS PDF PDF
United States Defined Contribution Survey Excel XLS PDF PDF
Australian Investment Benchmarking Survey Excel XLS PDF PDF
Canada Defined Benefit Investment Survey Excel XLS PDF PDF
European Investment Benchmarking Survey Excel XLS PDF PDF
UK Investment Benchmarking Survey Excel XLS PDF PDF
Dutch Defined Benefit Survey Excel XLS PDF PDF
World Investment Benchmarking Survey Excel XLS PDF PDF
VB Vermogensbeheer Vragenlijst Excel XLS PDF PDF
CIEBA Membership Profile Survey Excel XLS PDF PDF

Administration Surveys are not available because we do not provide a free analysis for these services. For more information about these services, please call Mike Heale at 416-369-0468 or go to Defined Benefit or Defined Contribution administration, or Driver and Vehicle Administration.